Expanded Practice Panel

Erica Quinn, a local artist, photographer, and educator invited me to join a panel discussion for the closing of the Expanded Practice gallery exhibition. The exhibit and panel discussion took place in the Borland Project Space on the PSU University Park Campus. 

We were asked to discuss our work, ideas around interdisciplinary practice, our experiences working creatively near and far, and our musings around space and place. The panel consisted of photographers, industrial designers, composers, and graphic/social designers.  The telling conversation that stood out to me following the event was that all creatives are stuck between Work and The Work. Meaning we each have day jobs that we either love or loathe and passions that either meet those positions or do not. And, consider ways that we are able to merge our creative passions with our daytime Work

There was also an interesting topic of “Engaged Empathy” and what does it mean to be working while engaging in the space or community around you.  How do we continue as educators to limit the pre-determined projects that only live in the classroom and focus on inclusive creative projects that engage with the greater community around us?