The Community Design Ecosystem is a community of the living (people, plants, and animals) in conjunction with the nonliving components of their environment (structures, architecture, transportation, and public services), interacting as a system. The system consists of creatives, stakeholders, and public partners. Working only with all three partners, the puzzle remains incomplete without all pieces.
This poster was created to help illustrate the process of designers working with community members. Traditionally the stakeholder or business owner is the project leader and the designer is the project pusher and the public is the receiver of designed goods. In the Community Design Ecosystem all participants play equal parts in the decision making processes and the end goal is to help make a positive impact on there community.
The process chart highlights the start to finish process that takes place throughout any given projects timeline. Although every project has varying pros and cons the general idea is illustrated to help the non-designers understand the phases of a project.
If you would like to use the poster above please click here for a high resolution pdf.
Presented at the 2013 AIGA Head, Heart, Hand Conference Minneapolis, MN